Another one you have all been waiting for...........
Tom's June Publicity
Fordingbridge Camera Club’s season finishes in June.
What is there to do until it re-starts in September?
Well, the Washington Post asks readers to take any word from the dictionary and alter it by adding, subtracting or changing one letter and supply a new definition for this word. One definition is - Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realise that it was your money to start with. Another I read was Caterpallor (n) – The colour you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you are eating.
But an even better idea is, why not come and see our stand at some of the summer’s country shows. We will be at many of them: Sandleheath Saturday 20th June, Fordingbridge Festival Saturday 18th July, Ellingham Show Saturday 8th August and Frogham Fair Saturday 29th August.
You can talk about photography, pick the brains of some of our experienced members and take a close look at our work. We are a friendly, go-ahead club meeting at Avonway Community Centre at 7.30pm on alternate Wednesdays.
Our website, will have our programme for the new season a little later. It is a mixture of talks by visiting top photographers, coupled with opportunities to show your work on top quality equipment and have it commented on by experienced photographic judges. Visitors are always welcome for a small fee. In addition to our regular meetings we are devoting many evenings for those who want, as a group, to set themselves new challenges and then to review the results collectively. These additional sessions have proven to be very popular but are only open to club members.
One word, which describes my photographs of the sea, which should be considered by the Washington Post is- Seapscape: A photo of the sea with a tilted horizon.
What is there to do until it re-starts in September?
Well, the Washington Post asks readers to take any word from the dictionary and alter it by adding, subtracting or changing one letter and supply a new definition for this word. One definition is - Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realise that it was your money to start with. Another I read was Caterpallor (n) – The colour you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you are eating.
But an even better idea is, why not come and see our stand at some of the summer’s country shows. We will be at many of them: Sandleheath Saturday 20th June, Fordingbridge Festival Saturday 18th July, Ellingham Show Saturday 8th August and Frogham Fair Saturday 29th August.
You can talk about photography, pick the brains of some of our experienced members and take a close look at our work. We are a friendly, go-ahead club meeting at Avonway Community Centre at 7.30pm on alternate Wednesdays.
Our website, will have our programme for the new season a little later. It is a mixture of talks by visiting top photographers, coupled with opportunities to show your work on top quality equipment and have it commented on by experienced photographic judges. Visitors are always welcome for a small fee. In addition to our regular meetings we are devoting many evenings for those who want, as a group, to set themselves new challenges and then to review the results collectively. These additional sessions have proven to be very popular but are only open to club members.
One word, which describes my photographs of the sea, which should be considered by the Washington Post is- Seapscape: A photo of the sea with a tilted horizon.