Our Friday opening and start of the exhibition
Pictures from the FCC 2014 Spring Exhibition

The normal FCC Fire Drill, but the firemen were busy else where.

Preparations for the opening

Part of the school’s exhibition, showing the Trafalgar School entry. The standard was very high.

Mike Whatmore readjusting the pictures after judging to group the winners.

Malcolm Connolly the Mayor and Peter Staines prior to the official opening.

Peter introducing Malcolm

Malcolm opening the exhibition

Malcolm telling his funny stories

The thanks for the opening speech.

Robin Dumbreck, our judge for the exhibition, congratulating the club on the high standard of the exhibition.

Malcolm speaking to visitors.

The TV show of the club web gallery on a display loop

The show opens!

Yvonne Trim, guardian of the tea and cakes! :-)

The display for the firemen.

Men gossiping, about photography! Honest.

John Larry admiring the schools exhibition.

The welcome desk. All staff suitably trained to sit in this seat

The Spring Exhibition committee (Nora, Joyce, Sue and Yvonne) with Malcolm the Mayor of Fordingbridge
A special thank you to David Faulder for the images above.

The pupils of Forres Sandle Manor School visited the exhibition to see the show and receive their certificates.

Yvonne Mitchell liaised with the local schools in order to get the participation of pupils in the exhibition.

The display of the work from Forres Sandle Manor School

The visitor numbers waxed and waned and we did receive a complaint about it being too busy!!!

Mike with his display of work for sale.

The tea and cakes area, very important!
Thank you to John Trim for these images

Pete White, Fordingbridge Fire Chief, receiving the print from the camera club.
General Section
Conkered Alien by Mike Bridgeman
Floral Triptych by Phiippa Hayter
Sunset over the Avon by Brian Allen
Wildlife Section
Fungi by Peter Street
Just Good Friends by Judy Cochand
Camouflaged Leaf Tailed Gecko by Mike Whatmore
Mono Section
Alone in a Sea of White by Dan Wellings
Dead Leaf Hosta by Judith Jennetta
Old Timers by Anne Mahany
We had at least 300 visitors. 177 had voted for their favourite print and the final count was down to a battle of the mice! Terry Turner’s Mice on Corn had 11 votes but Ann Cole’s Siblings was the overall winner with 20 votes so well done to you both!
On behalf of the committee I would like to thank everyone for sending in their images for the exhibition. The judge Robin Dumbreck was impressed with the standard and had a hard time deciding on the placings. As this was an Exhibition he judged the images as Exhibition Images rather than club competition ones. He was looking for composition, awareness and a keen eye of surroundings that would make interesting images, being in the right place at the right time and also the instant impact of the image. The committee would also like to congratulate all of the winners.
Sue Veal